Star Trail

Star Trail

2020.03.02 (First Attempt)

Location: Rooftop@MPK 21, Menlo Park, CA (just a random place around Zone 8)


  • Camera: Sony A7II (with application: Time-lapse, link)
  • Focus Mode: Manual Focus (focal distance is close to ∞)
  • ISO: 100
  • Shutter speed: 10 s
  • Aperture: f/1.4
  • Interval: 15 s
  • Shots: 120
  • Duration: 00:29:45

Editing: Capture one 20

Sony A7II | Sony FE 1.4/24 GM | ISO 100 | 10 s | f/1.4 | 24 mm

Stacking: Python (see Appendix 1). I originally planned to use professional application for image stacking, but for previewing purpose I tried a random python code from the net and the output looks (unexpected) good.

Sony A7II | Sony FE 1.4/24 GM | ISO 100 | 10 s | f/1.4 | 24 mm | stacking of 120 images


  1. Star trails image stacking in python (also see stackoverflow)
from PIL import ImageChops, Image
import os
import sys

fnames = [f"DSC0{i}.jpg" for i in range(5016, 5135+1)][0])
for i in range(1, len(fnames)):
	fname = fnames[i]
	if not os.path.isfile(fname):
	# print(i)
	finalimage=ImageChops.lighter(finalimage, currentimage)"allblended.jpg","JPEG")